1:1 Mentorship

8 Week Private Coaching

Reclaim your unique Divine Feminine through the process of developing your authentic inner authority.

Topics we will cover

  • Deconstruction of old self beliefs & parasympathetic nervous system regulation

  • Holistic health approaches to female health & hormones

  • Moon Cylcing & Feminine Archetypes

  • Daily rituals & practices to help you realign with your inner authority

  • Shifts toward inner authority expression via values interpretation & evaluation

  • Modern world shifts to help women transcend a wounded masculine state of being

How it works

Who is this for?

1:1 Mentorship is a fast-paced, highly intensive program for individuals who are ready to make changes, now. You will learn to create the foundations of a modern lifestyle centered on your own divine femininity & inner authority.

Is this customized?

The entire mentorship program, including virtual 1:1 sessions, is customized according to your specific needs. After you have filled out the application, we will have a quick call together to discuss further and make sure we are a fantastic fit!

Why Mentorship?

Because of my passion for education, I offer a unique blend of guidance & healing via an intersectionality of holistic perspectives. This means you will be changing on every level: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually


Growing up in a patriarchal cult, I lost my sense of inner authority. I looked to the world around me to define who I was. Eventually, my body became exhausted and my organs began to fail. I was so stuck in fight or flight that no doctor could explain the symptoms I was experiencing. I finally accepted that the only person who could save me was me.
This led me on a journey of physical health, mental wellbeing, and spiritual discovery. I became familiar with my own divinity as a feminine being and realized the power that existed within me. I cleared everything from my life that no longer served my highest good and made room for new practices & ideals. 
For years, I spent time seriously recovering in body, mind, and soul. I found clarity in a holistic approach to not only medicine, but lifestyle. The relief that I have found through serious implementation of these practices is something I want to shout to the whole world until every woman has them within her grasp!

1:1 Mentorship


8 Week Private Coaching

Reclaim your unique Divine Feminine through the process of developing your authentic inner authority.

✓ 8 weeks of private container coaching with Tori- including Voxer “walkie talkie” access 9am-5pm weekdays PST

✓ 8 totally customized weekly 60 min. Intuitive Healing Sessions

✓ Access to my personalized resources, knowledge, experience, and expertise in the world of trauma-informed holistic healing

✓ Take home assignments - these guides will teach you how to make lasting lifestyle changes

✓ Free access to my virtual & in-person monthly Moon Rise events for the duration of our mentorship

✓ Bonus access to my online membership library of Digital Goddess monthly content for the duration of our mentorship

Book a session

First session is $80


Single Session


virtual Only

Pack of 3 Sessions


Bundle & Save